Monday, September 17, 2007

People, people everywhere and not a moment to spare

I've often wondered why people who are inherently anti-social creatures enter into the library program. We've all heard the stereotype of the librarian as a quiet, introverted, bun/beard-wearing (hopefully not at the same time, but, if so, okay...) person. By nature I would say that I'm freakishly social, by which I mean I LOVE being around people. I can have a completely packed social calendar for the week, and I'm 100% happy. I rarely need time alone to "recharge," and find myself fueled by others. Sometimes, I think that's why the library (and lately teaching) has been a good fit for my personality. Not a day goes by where you can avoid talking to people and dealing with their various issues, be it a coworker or client. I love listening to what people have to say (for the most part), and helping find the information they're looking for. Although being "on" all the time in the classroom can be exhausting, it's fun to be talking to people all the time and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention just a bit (only-child syndrome, perhaps).

That being said, being alone can be a little more interesting...I often don't quite know what to do with myself (despite the ever-present need to clean/grade/prep/sleep). With the impending absence of television in my life, how will I fill the void of time? Dare I read more? Take up a new hobby? Actually blog? Spend MORE time on Facebook? I don't think it's possible...

Anyone want to hangout tonight? ;)

P.S. I would like to add to Michelle's various bus rants, stating that if you think not being able to get a seat is bad, try regularly seeing your students on the bus and grappling with the "do I talk to them, or do i ignore them?" issue...and then, then when you decide that perhaps it's best to leave them be, have them come up to you looking moderately hurt and commenting on your frequent iPod usage on the bus. I would take not getting a seat to have a taste of sweet, sweet anonymity...


Michelle said...

That's a dilly of a pickle Jess, I don't really know any of the students on the bus with me, although I have had a moment or two when I recognized them later at the library however, I'm not a teacher...I'm simply 'that the desk..she might know'. So yes, points for anonymity.

I was thinking about learning a new skill to fill the hours...but instead I watch bad tv, blog a lot and take naps. :P

Jess said...

I actually had a student tell me that it was okay to say hi the other day *L* Clearly, I look far too nervous and paranoid.